Sunday, May 29, 2016



to be continued...

 Framebuffer Object



Framebuffer objects are very complicated. As such, we need to explicitly define certain terminology.
For the purposes of this article, an image is a single 2D array of pixels. It has a specific format for these pixels.
Layered Image
For the purposes of this article, a layered image is a sequence of images of a particular size and format. Layered images come from single mipmap levels of certain Texture types.
For the purposes of this article, a texture is an object that contains some number of images, as defined above. All of the images have the same format, but they do not have to have the same size (different mip-maps, for example). Textures can be accessed from Shaders via various methods.
A renderbuffer is an object that contains a single image. Renderbuffers cannot be accessed by Shaders in any way. The only way to work with a renderbuffer, besides creating it, is to put it into an FBO.
To connect one object to another. This term is used across all of OpenGL, but FBOs make the most use of the concept. Attachment is different from binding. Objects are bound to the context; objects are attached to one another.
Attachment point
A named location within a framebuffer object that a framebuffer-attachable image or layered image can be attached to. Attachment points restrict the general kind of Image Format for images attached to them.
Framebuffer-attachable image
Any image, as previously described, that can be attached to a framebuffer object.
Framebuffer-attachable layered image
Any layered image, as previously described, that can be attached to a framebuffer object.

Framebuffer Object Structure

As standard OpenGL Objects, FBOs have the usual glGenFramebuffers and glDeleteFramebuffers functions. As expected, it also has the usual glBindFramebuffer function, to bind an FBO to the context.
The target​ parameter for this object can take one of 3 values: GL_FRAMEBUFFERGL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, or GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. The last two allow you to bind an FBO so that reading commands (glReadPixels, etc) and writing commands (all rendering commands) can happen to two different framebuffers. The GL_FRAMEBUFFER binding target simply sets both the read and the write to the same FBO.
When an FBO is bound to a target, the available buffer names. The default framebuffer has buffer names like GL_FRONTGL_BACKGL_AUXiGL_ACCUM, and so forth. FBOs do not have these.
Instead, FBOs have a different set of image names. Each FBO image represents an attachment point, a location in the FBO where an image can be attached. FBOs have the following attachment points:
  • GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTi: These are an implementation-dependent number of attachment points. You can query GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS to determine the number of color attachments that an implementation will allow. The minimum value for this is 8, so you are guaranteed to be able to have at least color attachments 0-7. These attachment points can only have images bound to them with color-renderable formats. All compressed image formats are not color-renderable, and thus cannot be attached to an FBO.
  • GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: This attachment point can only have images with depth formats bound to it. The image attached becomes the Depth Buffer for the FBO. **NOTE** Even if you don't plan on reading from this depth_attachment, an off screen buffer that will be rendered to should have a depth attachment.
  • GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: This attachment point can only have images with stencil formats bound to it. The image attached becomes the stencil buffer for the FBO.
  • GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: This is shorthand for "both depth and stencil". The image attached becomes both the depth and stencil buffers.
Note: If you use GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, you should use a packed depth-stencil internal format for the texture or renderbuffer you are attaching.



Cited Official Site
Framebuffer is a collection of buffers that can be used as the destination for rendering. OpenGL has two kinds of framebuffers: the Default Framebuffer, which is provided by the OpenGL Context; and user-created framebuffers called Framebuffer Objects (FBOs). 
The buffers for default framebuffers are part of the context and usually represent a window or display device. 
The buffers for FBOs reference images from either Textures or Renderbuffers; they are never directly visible.
Note that the term "buffer" here refers to a specific location in the framebuffer. An image may or may not be associated with a particular buffer in a framebuffer. Buffers in FBOs are also called "attachment points"; they're the locations where images can be attached. 
Default framebuffers cannot change their buffer attachments, but a particular default framebuffer may not have images associated with certain buffers. For example the GL_BACK_RIGHTbuffer will only have an image if the default framebuffer is double-buffered and uses stereoscopic 3D. 
The default framebuffer's buffer names are separate from framebuffer object buffer names.

Bind points

glBindFramebuffer is used to bind framebuffers to the context. They can be bound to one of two targets: GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER and GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER. The draw framebuffer is used as the destination for rendering, clearing, and other writing operations. The read framebuffer is used as the source for reading operations. 
Binding to the GL_FRAMEBUFFER target is equivalent to binding that framebuffer to both GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER and GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER. Note that most other uses ofGL_FRAMEBUFFER mean the draw framebuffer; this is the case when it means both.

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