Thursday, August 4, 2016

Static Members and Variables

Each template class or function generated from a template has its own copies of any static variables or members.

Each instantiation of a function template has it's own copy of any static variables defined within the scope of the function.

Static members are defined as follows.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template<typename T>
class X
  static T s;

template<typename T> T X<T>::s = 0;
template<> int X<int>::s = 3;
template<> char* X<char*>::s = "Hello";

int main()
  X<int> xi;
  cout << "xi.s= " << xi.s <<endl;/// xi.s = 10
  X<char*> xc;
  cout << "xc.s= " << xc.s <<endl;/// xc.s = Hello
  return 0;

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