Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Define: Poses :-)


Joint Space, Bind Pose, 

Bind Pose
This is the pose of the 3D mesh prior to being bound to the skeleton (hence the name). In other words, it is the pose that the mesh would assume if it were rendered as a regular, unskinned triangle mesh, without any skeleton at all. The bind pose is also called the T-pose because the character is usually standing with his feet slightly apart and his arms outstretched in the shape of the letter T.

Local Poses
Every joint in a skeletal hierarchy defines a set of local coordinate space axes, known as joint space...

Global Poses
A global pose can be calculated by walking the hierarchy from the joint in question towards the root and model space origin, concatenating the child-to-parent (local) transforms of each joint as we go.

v.  1. to put two or more computer files or pieces of computer information together in order to form a single unit
adj.  1. used for describing two or more computer files or pieces of computer information that have been put together to form a single unit

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