Saturday, October 8, 2016

Notion(3-1): FBO, RenderBuffer, and Pixel Transfer .. This is cited from the, followed passage will examine the related notions..

1. "Render off screen (with FBO and RenderBuffer) and pixel transfer of color, depth,and stencil"

Key Words: Render-Off-Screen; FBO; RenderBufer; Pixel-Transfer;

The depth.. I'm expecting a white image with a gradient gray triangle..
Your code doesn't suggest that.
uchar *pixels;
pixels = new uchar[width * height * 4];
This creates an array of integers. It's also a memory leak; use std::vector<uchar> instead.
glReadPixels( 0,0,  width, height, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, pixels);
This tells OpenGL to write floats to your array of integers. So OpenGL will treat pixels as an array of GLfloats when writing.
QImage qi = QImage(pixels, width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
I'll assume that this is going to interpret this as some kind of 8-bit-per-component integer image format. So you're interpreting floats as 8-bit integers. There's no reason to expect this to behave rationally.
  • You should either be reading the depth buffer as floats and converting that to your pixel colors in a more reasonable way, 
  • or you should be reading the depth buffer as an integer value, letting OpenGL do the greyscale conversion for you.

glReadPixels( 0,0,  width, height,  GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,;
You don't seem to understand how pixel transfers work.
  • First, the pixel transfer format specifies which components that you're reading. It does not specify their sizes. GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 is an image format, not a pixel transfer format. 
  • If you want to read the depth and stencil from an image, you use GL_DEPTH_STENCIL. Pixel transfer formats don't have sizes.

So this function is just giving you an OpenGL error.
  • The size comes from the second parameter, the pixel transfer type
  • In this case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTEmeans that it will read the depth and stencil, convert each into an unsigned, 8-bit value, and store two of those per-pixel into
  • Depth buffers only store 1 value per pixel. Depth/stencil only store 2. 
  • You cannot copy them into a 4-component-per-pixel format with OpenGL. 
  • Therefore, however you build your QImage later, it must me some method that takes 1 or 2 values per pixel.

Generally speaking, if you want to read the depth buffer, and you want the depth buffer's data to actually be meaningful, you do this:
std::vector<GLuint> pixels(width * height);  //std::vector value-initializes its elements.

glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fboId);
glReadPixels( 0,0,  width, height,  GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8,;
How you put those in a QImage for visualization is up to you. But this gets you an array of unsigned ints, where the high 24 bits are the depth component, and the low 8 bits are the stencil.


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