Monday, June 6, 2016


Cited Tutorial

Renderer should gather together all OpenGL Calls

Rendering Context Creation/\ bool createGLContext(**); 
Scene Preparation           /\ void prepareScene(**);
  •         after rendering context created, we are to prepare scene.
  •         we'll do whatever we have to do just once
  •         before the scene is drawn for the first time
Settings Data               /\ void setData(**);
Setting Viewport            /\ reshape(**);
Drawing                     /\ drawScene(**);
Cleaning up                 /\ destroyScene(**);

Vertex buffer objects (VBO) are familiar item since OpenGL version 1.5, but the vertex array objects require more explanation. Vertex array objects(VAO) encapsulate vertex array state on the client side. These objects allow applications to rapidly switch between large sets of array state.
VAO saves all states for all vertex attributes. The maximum number supported by your video card can be obtained by calling glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &MaxVertexAttribs).
A VAO stores the states of the vertex attribute arrays (if each of them is enabled, their sizes, stride, type, if they are normalized or not, if they contain unconverted integers, vertex attribute array pointers, element array buffer bindings and attribute array buffer bindings). In order to test how it works, we will create two separate (simple) objects with different VAOs.

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