Monday, April 25, 2016

Texture Displaying


___API  glutBitmapCharacter


This can be done by using C’s va_list type, which is C’s approach to defining functions with variables number of arguments.
  • In the function prototype, place ellipsis (…) as the last argument
  • Define a variable argument list: va_list args;
  • Call va_start on the args list and the first real argument in the function prototype preceding the ellipsis:va_start(args, format);
  • Use _vscprintf to get the number of characters that would be generated if the string pointed to by the list of arguments was printed using the specified format
  • Allocate memory for a string with the specified number of characters
  • Call vsprintf_s to build the string we want from the list of arguments
  • Call va_end to end the use of the variables argument list
  • Draw our beautified string
  • Free allocated memory
Function implementation with full comments shown below:
//  Draws a string at the specified coordinates.
   #include <stdio.h>    //  Standard Input\Output C Library
#include <stdarg.h>   //  To use functions with variables arguments
#include <stdlib.h>   //  for malloc
#include <gl/glut.h>  //  Include GLUT, OpenGL, and GLU libraries


//  Draws a string at the specified coordinates.
void printw (float x, float y, float z, char* format, ...)
    va_list args;   //  Variable argument list
    int len;        // String length
    int i;          //  Iterator
    char * text;    // Text
    //  Initialize a variable argument list
    va_start(args, format);
    //  Return the number of characters in the string 
// referenced the list of arguments.
    // _vscprintf doesn't count terminating '\0' (that's why +1)
    len = _vscprintf(format, args) + 1;
    //  Allocate memory for a string of the specified size
    text = malloc(len * sizeof(char));
    //  Write formatted output using a pointer to the list of arguments
    vsprintf_s(text, len, format, args);
    //  End using variable argument list

    //  Specify the raster position for pixel operations.
    glRasterPos3f (x, y, z);

    //  Draw the characters one by one
    for (i = 0; text[i] != '\0'; i++) {
     glutBitmapCharacter(font_style, text[i]);
    //  Free the allocated memory for the string

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